no stress websites

Easy to use Websites for People who have more important things to do

Get your business on the internet quickly, without worrying about the cost, time and complications of doing it all yourself.

I will do all the work to set you up with an easy to use website, then I will teach you the simple way to keep it updated. You can learn how to add your own blogs, news and sales information.

Choose from an uncomplicated website or a much more tailored and specific site with slideshows, videos and purchase options etc.

I can include the purchase of a new domain name if you don’t already have one & web hosting†† plus a fully responsive design that will look great on all devices.

You can then take over and add, remove & update information as you like; I will show you how with step by step instructions including snapshots so you can do it all from your own home computer, tablet or phone.

We can even arrange it so that your social media such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook feed straight onto your website without you having to do anymore than use your social media as you already do.

Your site is your business card on the net so that when customers look for you, they will find you and can verify your business. Your site will help potential customers who search locally for your type of business, services or club, to find you.

So take that leap!

The Flying Boys - Take that leap

Annual charges which are usually between £5-25/year.
†† You may have already purchased yourself a web hosting account, but if not, I can sort this out for you. This will be included for the first year for website set up, and charged annually for subsequent years. It is included if you choose the monthly website content management option.

‡ Public Facebook accounts only – i.e. no privacy settings applied.